"Everyone needs a place to call their own"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Maybe....Maybe not..

We thought for sure last night that we would be coming home today.. After seeing her poop and then getting to eat real food this morning.
But I am not sure that's the case now. Her dr still hasn't been in today because he had clinic and will be here this afternoon.
Our nurse told us they may want to watch her until tomorrow so she can have a night off all the meds.
So I will let you know, if it is today for some reason...it will be late.

Thanks everyone,

1 comment:

  1. Krista,
    I hate-hate-hate being at the hospital for that reason - sitting around waiting ALL DAY for the doctor...and then being told by some nurse who doesn't know you what the plan is...as though there is a plan but nobody bothered to tell you. Argh. I also know what it's like to feel like your life is on hold and your trapped in the prison of the hospital. My heart feels for you as you wait to return to normal. Take all the freebies from the hospital you can and enjoy some uninterrupted time with your baby. Hopep you'll be home really soon!!
    -Breck http://bennettgamel.blogspot.com
