"Everyone needs a place to call their own"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Update on Ayla 2:00 pm

Quick update, The GI & Surgeons want to try and enema. There is definitley a blockage in her bowel and hopefully this will move it out. It's very low in the bowel.
We are waiting for the nurse to come and do it, please pray Ayla tolerates it as well as possible.
We are hoping to see an improvement on X-ray after completion of enema.
If not we will have to have a CT scan to see if there's something else causing this blockage.

Please pray with us that this is just a "tough-terd" and will be moved after this enema.

Updates to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Krista,
    You are all in my prayers. I remember being in the hospital with our son and "praying for poop"...how many people can say they have had to do that??? :)
