"Everyone needs a place to call their own"

Monday, November 9, 2009

Crying Over Spilt Milk...

I find myself becoming so frustrated at meal times with Ayla. The importance of weight gain and high caloric intake has been drilled into me from the beginning. Its the same with any child, they go through peaks and valleys when it comes to their appetite. Lately I have really been trying to push her to drink more milk. When I last spoke to the dietitian she recommended 3-4 8oz glasses of milk a day. That's A LOT! So at times when I think I "know" when Ayla should be hungry and she wont eat I get so frustrated with her. I felt so bad this morning because I scolded her for not finishing her milk after I told her she HAD to.
I know that I should act like I don't care and she would probably do it on her own. It's just so important to me that she get the right amount of fat and calories. I take it as a personal achievement if she gains weight at Dr. visits.

This is the life of a CF-Mom, always trying to push food down a satisfied child's mouth & wanting to cry when they wont ablidge, adding heavy whipping cream to mostly everything, and giving daily treatments and meds...Ohh I almost forgot...analyzing each #2 that's done every day to see if said child is absorbing said fat and calories.

I do the best I can, and learn from the mistakes I made today and try to have a better tomorrow.

The Food Nazi

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