"Everyone needs a place to call their own"

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


For the last 3 months our daughter Ayla has been dealing with a lot of potty-problems. Because of Cystic Fibrosis a lot of the symptoms she has been experiencing can be mis-interpreted as effects of an incorrect enzyme dosage. I really have to stay on some of her Dr's because when you have a child with a chronic illness, sometimes problems aren't always explored to the fullest extent. So after a month and half of Ayla complaining of belly pain, very frequent daily diarrhea I called Shands GI (Ayla sees Dr's @Shands twice a year for Billiary Atresia). And they ordered a stool-study right away at my local lab. Low and behold that came back POSITIVE for C-diff. We went through a round of antibiotics and tested for it again and was NEGATIVE! So just to be sure we had killed the bug we did another stool-study after a week of no meds. And it cam back POSITIVE-again! So now we have her on a different antibiotic and are praying this is the last time we will have to deal with it.
The crazy thing is...most people get this from hospital stays or long periods of time using antibiotics...and Ayla was neither of those.

So please pray with us that the next stool study we have will be negative, and she will begin to feel better, and for the days of 10 BM's and whimpering from belly pain to be far behind us.

1 comment:

  1. Krista,
    I will remember you all in my prayers. I'm proud of you & look forward to future posts.
    Pastor Kraig
