So I have told you about my photo-challenged husband...well this is more proof of that...But it does the job!
I had my appointment today with Dr. E and got checked for the 3rd time....and I was still 1 cm and "thick" so I am a little discouraged. But I really didn't feel like anything had changed so I was prepared for that.
Then came the "what do you want to do" questions....I really envisioned myself having a natural childbirth...a healthy baby has always been first priority but a natural birth has been a close second. Having already had a c-section I can't be induced so it's just a waiting game.
I decided to go ahead and schedule for November the 29th-the day after my due date and last appointment. This will give her another opportunity to check me and see if I have made any progress. I hope that I will have so I can postpone the procedure but if I'm still @ 1...she's coming out!!
I am ready to see her face, look at her fingers and toes and introduce her to her sister and family!! So at least with this option I can began making preparations...but let's be clear...I am totally ok with her coming anytime!
Nutritional failure, it's time for a G-tube
8 years ago
I have enjoyed reading your articles. It is well written. It looks like you spend a large amount of time and effort in writing the blog. I am appreciating your effort.