"Everyone needs a place to call their own"

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Shand's Update: Full Story...

My mom, Ayla and I left on Monday morning for an afternoon appointment with the GI Dr's @ Shands. They wanted to see her because of the re-occurring C-diff she's been having.
Before leaving Ayla contracted a stomach flu over the weekend....and the morning before we left her daddy had it as well. Driving down I felt a little "weird" but was not missing this appointment. We made great time on the way down, we were hungry so we stopped and ate at Cracker Barrel for lunch. Ayla was really sleepy and grouchy. Her little bottom was hurting from going to the bathroom so much.
We got the appointment right on time and waited for the Dr's to come in. I had a list of topics to discuss, mostly about my concerns in the previous post. The Dr's were very thorough, they spent over 30 minutes with us. When they first came in Ayla looked very lethargic and was dehydrated. They considered admitting her for that, but after drinking Gatorade she perked right up. I began to ask them my questions about the labs we've had and if they were testing correctly for c-diff...Turns out they were...bummer! So she really did test positive for c-diff. I also told them I had made the decision to take her off those meds and start a diet of less fat and sugar to see what happened. And that I had seen some improvement before this virus happened.
The Dr's left the room and came back in after talking things over with each other and this is what they suggested:
They want me to limit fats and sugars from her diet, she can have no milk. And they want her to eat plain yogurt as many times a day as she will. Basically what they are trying to do is give her belly a rest so it doesn't have to work so hard and it can heal itself. They are also prescribing a formula for her to replace milk, that's calorie dense and is pre-digested (so it's easy on the tummy).
This will be a major change for us all because basically everything she usually eats she can no longer have. I have to change my way of thinking from all fat to no fat...I am hoping that she will take to it well. And it would be awesome if we could broadened her "food-horizons" in the midst of this. And to top it off it would be a miracle if she could thrive on this sort of diet. I would feel much better about the types of foods I was giving her if she could eat like this all the time.
This is only temporary though, they want her to maintain this diet for a couple of months to see if we can see a major improvement with the C-diff. And if not they want to admit her for a few days to see exactly what she eats and do the required tests at that time.
On the way home we didn't even make it to I-10, I got so sick we had to stop and get a hotel. Ayla was so over riding in the car and she wasn't feeling well either. We are so grateful to Nana for being there with us. What was supposed to be a quick trip turned into an overnighter...But we are ALL better now...

Please pray that this natural approach will work for us!

*they also tested all her liver functions, I will update you on that once I get it*

Thanks so much for every one's concern and prayers over this,

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