"Everyone needs a place to call their own"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Choosing to SEE" A great Read.....

Ever since Ayla's diagnosis I have been longing for a book that I could relate to.  From a source that I could trust in.  

This book is perfect for pretty much any person in any walk of life-but for me..I feel like it was written for me to read it...

For a few years now I have been struggling still to deal with the turns my life has taken, things just hadn't turned out the way I thought they should.  Why had God let these things happen to me? To my family?

This woman has had some things happen to her that I can't even fathom and somehow she remains positive.  I just finished chapters 22-28, these were the toughest to read.  I literally cried the entire time reading them.  

This book is not just about the tragic accident that happened to her family, but is also about the raw emotions and true doubts a christian can have when you don't feel protected by God.  So often people in the church paint a picture that you can't be mad at God and still be a christian.  And they even go as far as telling a person who has just been through hell on earth that "this is all part of a plan."  Even though that statement is true, and looking back now I can see that.  But in the moment you really don't care about "the plan."-when all you can feel is the PAIN!  

The author's son said something in his eulogy to his sister that really hit home with me.  He said that when your in a "mess" it's like being up close to an abstract painting by God's hand-very out of focus and you can't understand what it is....But the farther you get from the painting (or the more time that passes) the clearer the "big picture" becomes.  

That really made sense to me to describe any trauma in that way.  When I was was in the midst of 3 months of surgeries, ventilators breathing for my baby, fear of her death and sheer panic I could not see past what was in front of me.  I could not see that nearly 4 years later I would have an odd's defying, happy, healthy, energetic, smart, beautiful little girl.  I could not see how my story would affect people and how it would affect me.  

I am not even finished reading this book yet and it has affected me this much already!  I would encourage anyone who is dealing with questioning God and his plan for your life to go out and get this book.  Reading her story will remain in the fore-front of your mind long after you close the pages of her book.  


1 comment:

  1. Krista, I can't wait to read "Choosing to See." Not only does God have a plan for Ayla; He has a plan for every bit of the pain. Hopefully these words are much more encouraging that those first few months of Ayla's life. When He allows us to go through pain and suffering, He makes sure He squeezes every bit of good He can get out of our pain.

    We've already seen it happening!

    I love you and I'm so proud of you!

    ***Awesome post! You may want to become a book reviewer!
