"Everyone needs a place to call their own"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hospital Stay Update #3a

We had a scary morning...They took Ayla off the "Go-Lightly" laxative at about 11:30 last night and by 2 am I was running the halls to find our nurse.

Ayla had become very cold, sweaty, weak & lethargic. The nurse came in and tried to take her temperature and could not get it to read. So we had to do it rectally.

The temp came up 92.9!

I saw the look on the nurse's face go from normal to panic and so did I.

She called the Dr's and they ordered blood sugar tests which came back critical at 55!
They ordered for an IV to be started..I managed to get 1.5 cups of Apple Juice in her while we waited.
They were pretty sure she had gone into Hypo-Valemic Shock!

Apparently after the "go lightly" was stopped she became severely dehydrated...it was very scary.

She has been under a heated blanket with fluids running for about 2.5 hours. And her temp was 97.7 last time it was checked.

Her mommy freaked out and Nana was called to pray...but Nana came up here and the 2 of us have not slept. I didn't get any sleep prior to the 2 am scare because Ayla was complaining and sleepless.

So please keep us in your prayers, what we thought was to be a "boring" night certainly was NOT!

We are waiting on them to come get us for her Upper GI & Small bowel series now...Update to come later on that.


  1. Krista, I am praying!
    "Since I am afflicted and needy, Let the Lord be mindful of me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God." Psalm 40:17

  2. Krista, I'm praying! Have your mom keep me posted - she sent your blog to me. I've got a very special prayer team on Ayla as I type this - we're going to keep you guys SATURATED in prayer!

    Pastor Terry
