Wow, that's great! I adjusted Nathan's tricycle so his feet would be closer to the pedals. He is finally understanding that he needs to push his foot down to move but he doesn't understand that he needs to use the other foot too. Way to go Ayla!
We can't list them all, but this is where were starting... 1.) 11/16/2009- Negative test result for C-diff! After a month of meds we are rid of this bug. Thanks for all the prayers~ 2.) 11/23/2009- Normal Sputum Culture, Yay!
3.) 1/3/2010- Normal results in Fat absorbtion tests.
4.) 1/23/2010-Blockage responded to treatment, didn't need surgery!
5.) 1/24/2010- No Pneumonia -as suspected by Dr's :0)
6.) 3/9/2010-Gained 1.5 lbs in less than a month!
7.) 3/10/2010-Cdiff test negative...yay!!!!
8.) 3/19/2010- We are pregnant!!!
9.) 10/30/2010-Ayla still C-diff free after RX
10.)11/20/2010-GI Symtoms have subsided lately
11.) 11/30/2010-So blessed to have such a happy little girl!
Wow, that's great! I adjusted Nathan's tricycle so his feet would be closer to the pedals. He is finally understanding that he needs to push his foot down to move but he doesn't understand that he needs to use the other foot too. Way to go Ayla!