What I'm Up To:
I am now sitting up all by myself
I am enjoying eating all kinds of new foods
Im nursing 4 times a day and eating 3 "meals"
I am learning new expressions and love to stick out my tongue
I light up when my daddy enters the room
I am sleeping really good and love my bed
I love playing with my sister Ayla
I can sit up in the bath now all by myself with no seat
I love banana
I love my paci
I take two 2 hour naps and sleep about 11 hours a night
These monthly pictures are getting tougher to capture with her being so mobile
What I'm Wearing:
Still in size 3 diapers
A wide range of clothes anywhere from 9-12 months
What People Say About Me:
Everyone still talks about my "Big Eyes"
They are turning brown and are beautiful
That I am such a happy baby
A Note From Mommy:
Dear Autumn,
I can't believe how fast these months are going by. You are already 7 months old and every day brings a new milestone you are passing. Pretty soon you will be turning one and not be my "baby" anymore. You are so sweet and funny in the mornings, we all love to play and snuggle with you since you are so happy. You love your daddy and he loves to play with you. Your sister is really loving playing with you since you are more sturdy and now upright. We are so excited to see what next months brings...who knows...maybe a tooth?!!
Love you so much Bugga-Bugga (thats your nick-name-we don't know how you earned it)
Nutritional failure, it's time for a G-tube
8 years ago
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