What I'm up to:
I am drooling everywhere
I love sucking on my hands
It looks like I may be getting a tooth
I'm laughing and holding my head up
I scoot my legs up under my butt
What I'm wearing:
Mostly 6 month clothes
Size 3 diapers
Lots of cute headbands
What People Say about me:
That i'm starting to look more like sissy
That I'm tiny (although mom and dad love my rolls)
That I'm strong
Other stuff:
I got lots of shots last week and weighed 12.7 and was 25" long! 95th% for height!
I'm starting to play with toys and gaining hand control.
I went on my first road trip to see my cousins in TN
I am so spoiled- I must be held!
A note from mom:
Dear Autumn,
This month you have really gotten your personality. I love watching your eyes and face light up with each new experience. You are so beautiful! Your sister loves you so much and helps mommy take care of you! You have really settled into your routine and are so happy! Your daddy really loves his time with you at night- he loves putting you to sleep! We couldn't be more thrilled and look forward to what next month brings!
Nutritional failure, it's time for a G-tube
8 years ago