"Everyone needs a place to call their own"

Monday, June 16, 2014

Where does my hope come from?

Over the last few days there has been negative press regarding the corrector-combo drug we have all hung our hats on for the last 7 years. This is not a cure but if successful could extend Ayla's life. 
Each time I see a new article or see the stock owned by Vertex Pharmaceuticals drop or being sold off in large quantities my heart drops and my anxieties rise. 
I am reminded to ask myself, "Where does my hope come from?" Is it in man or in God?
I know I have faith and hope in God. I know what I believe to be true for Ayla's future.....but I also know the lives that are being lost daily....and all of us in the CF community are fighting tooth and nail to keep our kids healthy and preserve lung function while in waiting...and now...we wait some more...
So today I'm mad. Tomorrow I'll have faith for the next day....and keep waiting....